Greetings and salutaions dear reader.. After much ballyhoo and bravado being spouted from yours truly via a rival blog. We here at Conspirasteve nation have finally got our act together to create our very own . At this time i would like to welcome all who have found the courage, nay, the cojones to click on to this auspiciously titled yet completely prescient web-page The proverbial self pat on the back is in order at this time.................done?.... ok we'll wait.. As the title suggests, we are about to relocate our inner sanctum of round table discussion forums to newer, possibly better, but completely foreign climes, Sydney, NSW Australia. .
This site is an attempt by the Conspirasteve nation to document our new environment as we attempt to navigate a new and potentially exciting new culture from the "Land Down Under", so aptly described by the seminal 80's band Men At Work.
Please feel free to check-in now and again to get the full "skinny", (to use the parlance of our time ), from the "land down under".