Who knew it would be in Australia

Friday, May 20, 2011

Frank Arrington Then until Now

"Vocalize your thoughts Conspirasteve".. Frank Arrington circa 1993.

These words have rang eternal in my skull since the day they were uttered from Frank that August afternoon, We were sitting  at Captain Ankeny's on standby, drinking beer.( yes dear readers, we were on the clock)  discussing the difference in philosophies of Locke and Descartes. Empiricism Vs. Rationalism.. I was having trouble explaining my positions when he released those four words.Four words of devastation. Since that moment on, I have strived to achieve the dream of actually realizing that goal. It changed the way i approached music, art, and relationships in general. So simple a request, so profound the demand..

This is the way in which Frank would affect people in his life. He would  simply asking devastating questions about our own private existentialism. We would scoff, try to move on, try to forget, Yet like truth of any kind,  it   persists. Until I or you have exhausted all excuses f or not confronting the obvious truths about ourselves, our intentions, our stances on various positions and to be honest our worthiness to be his friend.
Of these challenges, to make me think about myself as it relates to the whole of the world and to others in my life, was unique to him. No other friend has challenged me as hard, while simultaneously drinking me under the table.

 Frank, I have missed you in my life since you moved away. You were a better friend than I. You would call me hopped up on "wine" sitting in your cabin in the woods, trying hard not to emulate Sam L Jackson's character from Black Snake Moan. (I'm pretty sure it was moonshine) Thank you for laughing when i let you know my racially insensitive comparison. I figured it was OK since you have been calling me a peasant since day one. I would be too busy to talk and i am so sorry. /I missed you the day you left my house last winter to get on  that airplane back to Chicago., We all did and do, now and forever.

I among many, am blessed to have known the The doctor/thespian/jazz critic/philosopher/bike messenger/punk rocker/drinking buddy and best friend known as Frank Arrington Thank you for being in my life Frank. I'm a better man because of you.

If you are where we all hope you are, please smack whitey and Mike Douglas in the face for me, BEFORE giving them a hug....

RIP buddy.